EVRS unites European ophthalmologists

specialized in Vitreoretinal surgery.

EVRS knows the importance of education.

With EVRS Meeting held annually, the Society works for updating and enhancing the knowledge of specialists and residents not only to its member but to all ophthalmologists and vitreoretinal surgery specialists from all over the world.

EVRS puts emphasize on communication.

The Society promotes student/master interaction in this highly complex field.

EVRS minds its members

by defining discounted rates for its members in EVRS meetings and events.

EVRS cares public health.

The Society tries to recognize awareness in general public about diseases of the retina by making the studies and researches accessible on EVRS website.

Interview with Dr. Giampaolo Gini
President European VitreoRetinal Society
by Media Mice

1. Can you tell us about the founding of the European VitreoRetinal Society (EVRS) and its initial goals? At the turn of the new Millennium Vitreoretinal Surgery was very different from what it is today. Not only were many of today’s advanced instruments still being developed but there was an absolute need for further research and for the spread of this acquired knowledge among surgeons. Thus the idea of creating a Society whose goals were that of promoting the culture of good patient care and the quest for excellence in medical/surgical retina treatment.

How has the society evolved over the years? Since its inception in 2001 the Society has grown and adapted to the changing needs of its Members yet it has remained faithful to its original mission.

2. How are EVRS congresses different than other ophthalmic conferences? The very philosophy of EVRS is quite different from most other Societies. The emphasis has always been on learning from each other by sharing common experiences. This translated into giving everyone the opportunity to present their ideas without fear. Peers among peers, we called this “horizontal learning” as opposed to more rigid and dogmatic structures adopted by other Societies.

3. Can you share about the 15-day long “Vitreo-Retinal Training School”? As I mentioned before one of the goals of EVRS is to improve patient care by improving surgical training. This was very difficult to obtain in the past and still is so in many Countries today. Hence the idea to provide a full immersion two week training course to anyone wishing to grow their skills in vitreo retinal surgery.

4. Can you discuss some of the most significant research contributions that have emerged from EVRS members? Many EVRS Members are world leaders in the field. I can think of several contributions made by them such as the ocular trauma scoring system (OTS) and much of the work on ocular trauma, the complete and early vitrectomy for endophthalmitis (CEVE) study following cataract surgery, the new staging system for myopic macular traction, the inverted flap technique for macular hole repair, just to mention a few.

5. What inspired you to become involved with EVRS, and what has your journey been like within the organization? I stumbled on EVRS quite by chance. I met the Founders and shared their vision. I got involved first being called to take part in the live surgery events organized by EVRS in Istanbul, Marrakesh, Cannes and others.

6. What are some of the key milestones and achievements that EVRS has reached since its inception? Having represented a reliable reference for so many people and for so many years is surely a milestone. Being today an even more vibrant Society in the face of deep world transformations is a sign of success and a major achievement.

7. How does EVRS contribute to the education and training of vitreo-retinal surgeons? Can you describe any specific programs or initiatives? EVRS promotes education through its annual meeting, its many webinars either as an individual Society or in conjunction with others, participation with dedicated panels to other Societies’ meetings and live surgery events.

8. How has EVRS fostered international collaboration and partnerships within the field of vitreo-retinal surgery? EVRS is an inclusive Society. Inclusiveness allows people with diverse backgrounds to understand and to accept each other. It is our openness and our willingness to co-operate with others which has led to the creation of very strong bonds with so many similar Societies, big and small, throughout the world.

9. What are some of the major challenges that vitreo-retinal surgeons face today, and how is EVRS addressing these challenges? The world today is changing at a faster pace than ever before. Vitreo-retinal surgeons are faced with political, financial and professional pressure. These three elements are often intertwined. Focussing only on the latter of the three is the need to keep abreast of rapidly evolving technologies and therapies.

10. How has the work of EVRS and its members impacted patient care and outcomes in vitreo-retinal surgery? Over the past two decades there has globally been a progressive improvement in the quality of patient care in both medical as well as surgical retina. This is the result of technical acquisitions but also of better training. EVRS has done its part in developing, promoting and diffusing this knowledge.

11. Looking ahead, what are your visions for the future of EVRS? Are there any specific goals or projects that you are excited about? There are still so many things we don’t know, so many chapters to be written. There will always be a need for clinicians to meet under one roof and exchange ideas.