Membership Guideline

Membership Fees

Regular member

150 Yearly

Member in training

100 Yearly

To Apply for Membership

The online application form should be filled and submitted as required. Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by the Executive Board and you’ll be notified with the review result.

Benefit to EVRS Members

As a member of EVRS you join an active network of European ophthalmologists specialized in Vitreoretinal surgery to take advantage of numerous benefits.

EVRS Bank Account for Membership Payments

Account Name: European VitreoRetinal Society (EVRS) e.V.
Address: 61 Chemin du Mayne de Jouan 33160 Saint Aubin de Médoc France
Bank Name: Deutsche Bank AG
Account Number: 0330563 00
IBAN: DE71 5007 0024 0033 0563 00